FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Does inquiring about your credit score hurt it?
A: No, it does not.  Inquiries made by the file holder are not counted as "hard" inquiries.  inquiries made by lenders for the purposes of loan applications are considered "hard" inquiries and will slightly reduce your score.  Inquiries made by institutions for non-loan purposes (marketing), or by the file holder are considered "soft inquiries" and do not have any detrimental effect.

Q: Should I cosign on a loan for my friend/family?
A:  Unless you are willing to pay off the loan if your friend/family doesn't pay, don't do it.

Q:  Are there shortcuts to repair bad credit?
A: YES.  there are many tricks and tips to improve your credit score.

buying a property is a shortcut to improving creditworthiness.  1 year mortgage, establish fresh credit history.  move on to bigger application.

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