Sunday, November 30, 2014

What is a credit report?

Your credit report is a summary of your credit history. If you have ever used a credit card, taken out a personal loan, or used a “buy now, pay later” offer, you have a credit history.
Your credit report is created when you borrow money or apply for credit for the first time. Lenders send information about your accounts to the credit reporting agencies. Your credit report also includes personal information that is available in public records, such as a bankruptcy.
Your credit report contains factual information about your credit cards and loans, such as: 
• whenyouopenedyouraccount
• howmuchyouowe
• whetheryoumakeyourpaymentsontime • whetheryoumisspayments
• whetheryougooveryourcreditlimit.

Mobile phone and Internet accounts may be reported, even though they are not credit accounts.
Chequing and savings accounts that have been closed “for cause,” due to money owing or fraud committed by the account holder, can also be included. 

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